The districts of Péhé and Méo in the Western region of Toulépleu, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) suffered from the unprecedented destructions loss of human lives and properties which characterized the crises following the November 2010 presidential elections. According to a field assessment conducted by ONG PEHE between April and July 2011, less than 4% of the houses are habitable in Péhé. The remaining 96% were burnt down, require complete rebuilding or renovation. Several civilian were summary executed and forcefully displaced. The only functional health center in the area was totally destroyed. After its destruction, the nearest functional health facility is at 5 to 8 hours drive on extremely bad roads. In response to this large scale destruction, ONG PEHE launched, after a broad base consultation with communities living in the department in 2011 a five-year plan known as Programme Anela to promote social cohesion and post-conflict reconstruction. Anela means "WE ARE HERE" in Guéré the language spoken in Toulépleu, is a call for hope and an exhortation to rise above the pain caused by the crisis to resume the journey towards peaceful cohabitation and sustainable development. The Progamme Anela is primarily designed to benefit the 20.000 inhabitants of 18 rural communities in the Middle Cavalla region.
The specific objectives include:
1. Undertake a social communication campaign aimed at raising awareness on the necessity of peaceful cohabitation, resuming socio-economic activities in the villages and farms of the districts
2. Support the populations in the reconstruction of their houses
3. Rehabilitate production infrastructures as well as schools and health facilities
4. Implement reintegration socio-economic activities in favor of the most vulnerable groups in particular women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities